
Midsommar was when I fell. This movie helped me release a traumatic experience in my past. I went to the theater not even sure of what I was expecting, but I walked out with a burden lifted off my shoulders. It was like a release and a therapy session I did not know I truly needed.
— Kristen

What is your favourite genre of horror? 


What movies would you recommend in that genre? 
Oculus and The Haunting of Hill House Series


What are your favourite horror movies? 
The Conjuring, SAW, Child’s Play (1988), Midsommar, The Witch

What was the last horror movie that actually scared you?
The Fourth Kind (I thought it was real for YEARS lol)


What is your favourite moment from a horror movie?
The ending of Midsommar when Dani smiles, or the ending of The Witch when Thomasin smiles.


Why is horror special for you? 
It is an escape for me. If I have had a bad day and need comfort, it is always there. It is a warm fuzzy blanket, so to speak. It keeps me sane.


What character in a horror do you relate to most and why? 
I would have to say Dani from Midsommar. She went through an abusive relationship, ended up “burning” everything, and finding a new family and place to call home. She was free. I too got out of an abusive relationship, walking away from a LOT of toxic things, and found a new family in horror and friends who are absolutely incredible.


How do your friends and family feel about your horror obsession?
I have A LOT of horror friends. We usually go to conventions together, watch movies together, and talk all things horror and watch movies together! My family, on the other hand (most of them don’t care), but some of them would rather me not. I grew up Baptist, and they think it is inherently evil. I am sure they wish I was obsessed with something else LOL.


When did you fall head over heels in love with the horror genre?
I have loved horror for years, but Midsommar is when I fell IN LOVE. For the first time, I truly related to a horror film and was able to find TRUE comfort and release. To this day, it is one of my ultimate comfort movies.

Do you have any Halloween traditions?
I watch The Conjuring on Halloween night always.
Halloween, Trick R Treat, and Child’s Play (1988) have to be watched during the month of October and I usually have a Halloween party to attend, and I love dressing up!

If you could go back in time and experience the midnight premiere of any horror movie, what would you choose?
EASILY Child’s Play (1988) or A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

What's the spookiest place you've ever visited?
I have been many haunted places. Personal favorites would be The Borden House in Fall River, Mass or The Ohio State Reformatory in Mansfield, OH. I had mand and incredible spirit experiences in both.