Blayne Waterloo

Once in middle school, I walked through my front door and heard a familiar instrumental number from the living room. In half a second, I recognized it, dropped my backpack, and ran in to find my step-father watching the original Halloween. The room drenched in a rare platinum dash of sunlight and hope.
— Blayne Waterloo

What is your favourite genre of horror?
Found footage. I eat that stuff up like candy.

What movies would you recommend in that genre?
The Hell House, LLC series; The Blair Witch Project, of course; Host; Creep; V/H/S; and WNUF Halloween Special

What are your favourite horror movies?
Jennifer's Body, House on Haunted Hill, Trick 'r Treat, and The Blair Witch Project

What was the last horror movie that actually scared you?
The Conjuring

What is your favourite moment from a horror movie?
Really, any "good for her" moment.

Why is horror special for you?
Horror is a place where you can be both the monster and the final girl. You're safe to create and experience both.

What character in a horror do you relate to most and why?
Frankenstein's monster. He didn't ask to be alive!

How do your friends and family feel about your horror obsession?
To know me is to know that I'm a creep who loves creep things.

When did you fall head over heels in love with the horror genre?
I was raised on horror, so in many ways it feels like my love for the genre is the one part of me that I never had to hide or sugarcoat. It's like falling in love with horror all over again every day.

Do you have any Halloween traditions?
I always take PTO around Halloween, whether or not it falls on a weekend. Also, I decorate my home the first week in September.

If you could go back in time and experience the midnight premiere of any horror movie, what would you choose?
The Exorcist. Who could resist the media hype surrounding it?

What's the spookiest place you've ever visited?
I once got stuck in a grocery store bathroom while driving through Idaho.